Moral Media – April 2025

Moral Media Conference 2025 – Conference Agenda is Live!

We are excited to announce the eighth meeting of the Moral Media conference to be held April 11-13, 2025, in Buffalo, NY. The conference generally attracts a range of scholars interested in media portrayals of morality and/or how morality in media (construed broadly) can affect media users. This includes but is not limited to social scientific inquiries into media psychology, cognitive science, communication, psychology, and sociology.

This meeting is jointly sponsored by the University at Buffalo’s Office of International Education, Department of Communication, and the Media Psychology & Morality Lab

Drs. Helena Bilandzic (University of Augsburg), Morteza Dehghani (University of Southern California), Allison Eden (Michigan State University), and Frederic Hopp (Leibniz Institute for Psychology) will deliver keynote addresses. 

Registration: Registration for the conference is free. Please register for the conference by March 31 by clicking here.

Media & Morality Conference @ UB

Session Itinerary


Dates: April 11 – April 13, 2025

Location: Clemens Hall – University at Buffalo

Parking: Parking rate: FREE!

  • Baird A/B Lots
  • Jacobs A/B/C Lots
  • Slee A Lot

Friday, April 11

Location: The Terrace at Delaware Park

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm: Arrivals and Happy Hour

6:00 pm: Dinner & Reception

9:00 pm: Transportation to hotels

Saturday, April 12

Location: Clemens Hall 120 – University at Buffalo

8:00 am: Transportation from hotel

8:15 am – 9:00 am: Breakfast, Coffee, and Opening Remarks

9:00 am – 10:00 am: Keynote Address by Dr. Allison Eden (Michigan State U)

10:00 am – 11:15 am: Special Plenary Panel on Global Theoretical Developments with Respondent Dr. Nick Bowman (Editor in Chief of Journal of Media Psychology, Syracuse U)

11:15 am – 12:15 pm: Morning Session Presentations

12:15 pm – 2:00 pm: Lunch at the University Club & Poster Session in Atrium

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm: Keynote Address by Dr. Helena Bilandzic (U Augsburg)

3:00 pm – 3:15 pm: Coffee Break

3:15 pm – 4:15 pm: Keynote Address by Dr. Frederic Hopp (Leibniz Institute for Psychology)

4:15 pm – 5:00 pm: Brainstorming Session on Solving Big Theory Problems in Media & Morality Research

5:00 pm: Transportation to hotel

5:45 pm: Transportation from hotel to reception

6:00 pm: Dinner and Reception at Big Ditch Brewing

9:00 pm: Transportation to hotel

Sunday, April 13

Location: Clemens Hall 120 – University at Buffalo

8:00 am: Transportation from hotel

8:15 am – 9:00 am: Breakfast, Coffee, and Opening Remarks

9:00 am – 10:00 am: Keynote Address by Dr. Morteza Dehghani (U Southern California)

10:00 am – 11:00 am: Morning Session Presentations 

11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Brainstorming Session on Solving Big Methodological Problems in Media & Morality Research

12:00 pm – 2:00 pm: Lunch at the University Club & Poster Session in Atrium

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm: Afternoon Session Presentations

3:00 pm – 3:15 pm: Closing Remarks

3:15 pm: Transportation to hotel

Plenary Session on
Global Theoretical Advancements in Media & Morality Research

Saturday, 10:00 am – 11:00 am (12 min each)

Respondent: Dr. Nick Bowman, Editor in Chief of the Journal of Media Psychology (Syracuse U)

The Representation of Moral Intuitions in Stories Created by ChatGPT

  • Joshua Baldwin (U Georgia)

Villain as Rival: The Influence of Moral and China Threat Language in American News Coverage on Public Opinion about China

  • Xining Liao (U Wisconsin-Madison)

The Ecological Determinants of Morality: A Global Analysis of News Media Content

  • Musa Malik (U California, Santa Barbara), Kylie Falcione (U California, Santa Barbara), Brittany Wheeler (U California, Santa Barbara), & René Weber (U California, Santa Barbara, Ewha Womans U)

The Effectiveness of Moral Appeals in Tobacco Pictorial Control Messages: A Comparative Experiment Between American and Chinese Smokers

  • Thomas H. Zhang (U Wisconsin-Madison), Xiaohui Cao (U Wisconsin-Madison), Yidi Wang (U California, Santa Barbara), Jiaying Liu (U California, Santa Barbara), Shiwen Wu (Wuhan University), & Sijia Yang (U Wisconsin-Madison)

Panel Sessions

Saturday, 11:15 am – 12:15 am (8 min each)

Chair: Irina Andreeva (U Buffalo)

Large Language Models Exhibit Human-Like Biases in Moral Judgments of Harm by and to Insiders and Outsiders

  • Sarah M. Müller (Leibniz Institute for Psychology) & Frederic R. Hopp (Leibniz Institute for Psychology)

Who Acknowledges What Harm With What Effect? Investigating U.S. Congressional Twitter Posts about Mass Shootings and Audience Responses to Them

  • Emily Lapan (U Buffalo), Raphaela Velho (U Buffalo), Irina Andreeva (U Buffalo), Tahleen Lattimer(U Buffalo), Madeline Taggart (U Buffalo), Stephanie Gillis (U Buffalo), Kyle Heneveld (U Buffalo), & Lindsay Hahn (U Buffalo)

Testing the Morally Engaging Influences of Visual Depictions of Bodily Suffering

  • Rebecca Frazer (U Florida), Tse-hsi Chien (U Florida), Matthew Grizzard (Ohio State U), & Xiaotong Yu (U Florida)

Not Just Another Identical Stormtrooper: The Effect of Enemy Humanizing Cues on Videogame Player Guilt and Enjoyment

  • Morgan E. Ellithorpe (U Delaware) & M. Marie Devlin (U Delaware)

Moral Foundations in Adolescents’ Social Media Posts: Insights from a Cross-National Data Donation Study

  • Kaitlin Fitzgerald (Cornell U), Anaëlle J. Gonzalez (KU Leuven), Kristina Rakinić (U Ljubljana), Bojana Lobe (U Ljubljana) , & Laura Vandenbosch (KU Leuven)

Sunday, 10:00 am – 11:00 am (8 min each)

Chair: Madeline Taggart (U Buffalo)

Not Only Moral Panic: Parents’ Multi-Faceted Comments about Media and Parenting Gender-Expansive Youth

  • Marie-Louise Mares (U Wisconsin-Madison), Matthew Meier (U Wisconsin-Madison), Bengisu Şimşek (U Wisconsin-Madison), Marina Krcmar (Wake Forest U), Luhang Sun (U Wisconsin-Madison), Sijia Yang (U Wisconsin-Madison), & Xiaotong Zhang (U Wisconsin-Madison)

The Moral Influence of Adolescents’ Favorite Influencers and TV Characters: A Three-Wave Panel Study of Media, Selection, and Reciprocal Effects

  • Anaëlle J. Gonzalez (KU Leuven), Lindsay Hahn (U Buffalo), & Laura Vandenbosch (KU Leuven)

The Artist and the Art: How Fans Respond to Story Creators’ Moral Violations

  • Irina Andreeva (U Buffalo), Melanie C. Green (U Buffalo), & John J. Brooks (U Buffalo)

Decoding Morality in Film: Bridging Human and Computational Analysis of Moral Scenes

  • Alex Lover (Michigan State U), Jacob T. Fisher (Michigan State U), Manushka Sondhi (Michigan State U), Ezgi Ulusoy (Michigan State U), Sara Grady (Ohio State U), & Allison Eden (Michigan State U)

Dying in Primetime: An Analysis of This Is Us’ Portrayal of Caregiving and Advance Care Planning with Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Kelly Tenzek (U Buffalo), Tahleen Lattimer (U Buffalo), Emily Lapan (U Buffalo), & Hua Wang (U Buffalo)

Sunday, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm (8 min each)

Chair: Daniel Kulesza (U Buffalo)

Previewing Project SHADE: Anthropomorphic Language Effects on Human Judgments of AI Moral Violations

  • Jaime Banks (Syracuse U)

Moral Intuitions of the Bible: A Comparative Content Analysis

  • Brian Klebig (Bethany Lutheran College)

Opposing Altruistic and Egoistic Effects of Game Violence on Prosocial Behavior

  • Sujay Prabhu (Michigan State U), Ron Tamborini (Michigan State U), Joshua Baldwin (U Georgia), & Yan Wang (Michigan State U)

Liking Across Moral Categories: Applying Qualitative Analysis to Disposition Formation

  • Lucy Brown (Ohio State U), Matthew Grizzard (Ohio State U), & Nicholas L. Matthews (Ohio State U)

Investigating the Roles of Media and Morality in Perpetrators’ Motivations for Extremist Violence

  • Madeline Taggart (U Buffalo), Tahleen Lattimer (U Buffalo), Madison Neurohr (U Buffalo), Irina Andreeva (U Buffalo), Emily Lapan (U Buffalo), & Lindsay Hahn (U Buffalo)

Exploring How ‘Humorous’ Extremist Memes Affect Audience Moral Judgments Toward Outgroups

  • Kyle Heneveld (U Buffalo), Tahleen Lattimer (U Buffalo), Irina Andreeva (U Buffalo), Emily Lapan (U Buffalo), Rhyner Washburn (U Maryland), Steve Sin (U Maryland), & Lindsay Hahn (U Buffalo)

Poster Sessions

Saturday, 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm (10 Posters)

1. The Use of Moral Intuitions for Evaluative Conditioning in Narrative Entertainment

  • Henry Goble (Michigan State U), Ron Tamborini (Michigan State U), Joshua Baldwin (U Georgia), Sujay Prabhu (Michigan State U), & Yan Wang (Michigan State U)

2. How Political Identities Affect Media Choices: Gendered Violence Content Consumption

  • Bengisu Şimşek (U Wisconsin-Madison) & Marie-Louise Mares (U Wisconsin-Madison)

3. Behavioral Modification of Moral Intuitions in Children’s Narrative Content

  • Jenna Wahl (U Buffalo) & Madeline Taggart (U Buffalo)

4. Work in Progress: Investigating the Role of Psychological Distance in Disposition Formation Toward Narrative Characters

  • Junwan Seo (U Buffalo)

5. Power of Bios: Unintended Consequences of Online Identity Signaling in Social Media Bios

  • Jackson Trager (U Southern California), Farzan Karimi-Malekabadi (U Southern California), Suhaib Abdurahman (U Southern California), Yalda Daryani (U Southern California), & Morteza Dehghani (U Southern California)

6. Beyond Generalizations: The Multidimensional Nature of Empathy and Its Impact on Theory

  • Daniel Kulesza (U Buffalo)

7. Traditional on TikTok: Investigating the Appeal of Tradwife Influencers through Moral Psychology & Gender Roles

  • Irina Andreeva (U Buffalo), Yi Yin Leong (U Buffalo), Tahleen Lattimer (U Buffalo), Stephanie Gillis (U Buffalo), & Madeline Taggart (U Buffalo)

8. Hybrid Imaginaries: Value Orientations and Mental Models for Human-Machine Integration

  • Alexis Bohlander (Syracuse U) & Jaime Banks (Syracuse U)

9. Audience Backlash and Paradox of Popularity: The Endurance of Controversial Celebrity Podcasts in Bangladesh

  • Himika Akram (U Kentucky)

10. Moral Emotions and Emotional Contagion Amplify School Shooter Ideologies in Written Content

  • Madison Neurohr (U Buffalo)

Sunday, 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm (12 Posters)

1. Story World Norms and Moral Judgment of Characters

  • Catherine A. Marple (Michigan State U) & Nancy Rhodes (Michigan State U)

2. Exploring Motivations Behind Verbal Abuse Toward Conversational Agents

  • Zhixin Li (Syracuse U)

3. Morality and the Machine: How we React to Mistreatment of Artificial Intelligence

  • Gavin Raffloer (U Buffalo), Melanie Green (U Buffalo), Daniel Kulesza (U Buffalo), & Hao Chen (U Buffalo)

4. Examining How Viewing Context Shapes Moral Judgment of Media Characters

  • Hao Chen (U Buffalo)

5. Partisanship in Moral Responses to Immigrants Causing Harm

  • Raphaela M. Velho (U Buffalo), Hao Chen (U Buffalo), Dan Kulesza (U Buffalo), & Emily Black (U Buffalo)

6. Meaningful Grief? Media Depictions of Death and Bereavement

  • Kelly Tenzek (U Buffalo) & Kaitlin Fitzgerald (Cornell U)

7. Watch Out!: Moral Evaluation of “Othered Bodies,” Lateral Surveillance, and Digital Vigilantism in Online Neighborhood Watch Groups

  • Srividya Ramasubramanian (Syracuse U), Emilia Denerville (Syracuse U), & Camila Flores (Syracuse U)

8. Generative AI, Moral Polarization, and Cultural Equity: A Media Ecology Framework for the Noosphere

  • Tiffany Petricini (Penn State Erie – The Behrend Campus)

9. Cult Classics: Investigating the Altruistic and Selfish Motivations Behind Cult Participation through Survivor Testimonies in Entertainment Media

  • Tahleen A. Lattimer (U Buffalo), Irina Andreeva (U Buffalo), Madeline Taggart (U Buffalo), Madison Neurohr (U Buffalo), & Jenna Wahl (U Buffalo)

10. Pregnancy Resource Centers and the Global Expansion of Ultrasounds as Moral Media

  • Molly Frizzell (U Southern California)

11. Does NEAR explain the appreciation of co-created video game narratives?

  • Janaki Riji Nair (Syracuse U)& Nicholas David Bowman (Syracuse U)

12. A Scoping Review of Moral Decision-Making in Video Game Spaces

  • Arienne Ferchaud (Florida State U), Gabrielle Lamura (Florida State U), & Sazzad Mahmud Shuvo (Florida State U)

Questions: email