Lindsay Hahn
Lindsay (PhD, Michigan State University) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication and Center for Cognitive Science at the University at Buffalo. Her research investigates morally-laden media, its uses, and effects in audiences across the lifespan. She is the Founder and Co-Director of the Media Psychology & Morality Lab.

Arthur Raney
Art Raney (PhD, University of Alabama) studies psychological processes and effects associated with media selection and use. In much of his work, he investigates how and why we enjoy and appreciate entertainment content, with specific interest in the roles that morality and moral emotions play in those processes. Further, he explores how eudaimonic and self-transcendent media experiences can lead to beneficial outcomes and well-being. He is Co-Director of the Media Psychology & Morality Lab.

Melanie Green
Melanie C. Green’s work primarily focuses on the effects of narratives and stories. In particular, Melanie’s research examines how narratives can change the way individuals think and behave, including the effects of fictional stories on real-world attitudes and behaviors.

Allison Eden
Allison (PhD, Michigan State University) is an associate professor in the Department of Communication. Her work focuses on understanding media enjoyment from a psychological perspective. She focuses on the role enjoyment plays in attention to and selection of media content, and more broadly the effects of entertainment on behavior and well-being.

Matthew Grizzard
Matt (PhD, Michigan State University) is an Assistant Professor in the School of Communication at The Ohio State University. His research examines moral judgments processes as they relate to the consumption of popular media, with a primary focus on narratives. For example, current projects explore how viewers come to evaluate characters as heroes and villains, what types of narrative content elicit moral emotions such as guilt, and why viewers prefer some types of narrative resolution over others.

Richard Huskey
Richard (PhD, University of California Santa Barbara) is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication at the University of California Davis, principle investigator in the Cognitive Communication Science Lab, researcher in the Computational Communication Research Lab, affiliated faculty member at the Center for Mind and Brain, affiliated faculty member in the Designated Emphasis in Computational Social Science, and an officer of the International Communication Association’s Communication Science and Biology interest group. He studies how motivation influences the attitudes people hold, and the behaviors they adopt. He researches these questions using a variety of methodological techniques including: functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), computational methods, and lab-based experiments.

Drew Cingel
Drew (PhD, Northwestern University) is an associate professor in the Department of Communication at the University of California Davis, and currently serves as Vice-Chair of the Children, Adolescents, and Media division in the International Communication Association. Drew studies the interaction between human development and media effects, with particular emphasis on understanding how media shapes children’s moral considerations and related aspects of moral development.